Isole che parlano di …cibo

 dal 19 al 25 novembre 2012


clic per ingrandirePer il secondo anno consecutivo l’Associazione Sarditudine aderisce alla Settimana UNESCO Educazione Sviluppo Sostenibile 2012 con il progetto “Isole che parlano di…cibo” in collaborazione con il Settore Ambiente del Comune di Palau e l’Associazione Ottomani .


Il progetto “Isole che parlano di…cibo” vuole trasportare bambini ed adulti in un gioco alla scoperta del mondo alimentare, riprendendo la quotidiana convivialità del pasto. Nutrirsi non è soltanto un necessario atto quotidiano, ma anche rituale comunitario, occasione di conversazione e di condivisione. Ci si propone la creazione di ambiti di incontro e discussione sull’alimentazione, sulle differenti tradizioni culinarie, sulla riduzione degli sprechi, l’importanza di nutrirsi con alimenti di stagione e di produzione locale.



Le azioni previste sono tre :


1. “Cosa mangio: cibi sani nella mia cucina” concorso fotografico rivolto a bambini e ragazzi dai 5 ai 16 anni. Il tema specifico delle foto dovrà riguardare: il cibo. Il concorso, attraverso il linguaggio fotografico, vuole trasportare i giovani partecipanti e le loro famiglie in un gioco alla scoperta del mondo alimentare.

La partecipazione è gratuita. La spedizione delle immagini dovrà avvenire entro e non oltre il 30 gennaio 2013. La premiazione ed esposizione delle fotografie selezionate dalla giuria del concorso, si terrà durante il Festival Isole che Parlano nel settembre 2013.


Scarica il regolamento del Concorso Fotografico


Ed ora ecco a voi  la classifica finale di questo concorso fotografico

 Auguri ad Emiliano e tutti i concorrenti.

Ancora un grazie di cuore da tutti noi!








2. Condivisione e proiezione del corto d’animazione “Fatti di Pane” prodotto dall’Associazione Sarditudine e dall’Associazione Ottomani di Bologna. Protagonista del film animato è il pane che ci racconta e si racconta. Il pane, è alimento ‘povero’ eppure ricco della storia e delle tradizioni dei popoli che lo producono. Fatto di pochi ingredienti basilari (farina acqua lievito e fuoco), caratterizza ogni popolo ma allo stesso tempo accomuna le genti più lontane e diverse. Il corto è stato realizzato da un gruppo di 15 bambini di Palau che hanno partecipato ai Laboratori su misura del Festival Isole che Parlano il settembre scorso, ed è visibile su



3. “Ricettario sociale: in cucina con gli avanzi una cucina virtuale dove chiacchierare, condividere immagini, sapori e “ricette riciclone”… per una riduzione degli sprechi in cucina. Il Ricettario si trova in rete sul profilo facebook e sarà “attivo e ricettivo” dal 19 al 25 novembre 2012, durante la settimana UNESCO ESS 2012

Alle ricette saranno allegate le immagini grafiche o fotografiche del ‘pasto’ che si vuole condividere.



Scarica il Regolamento per il Ricettario Sociale




Sarà possibile seguire le iniziative “Isole che Parlano di…cibo”
anche sulla pagina facebook




English version:


For the second year, the Associazione Sarditudine takes part to the Unesco Week Education Sustainable Development 2012, through the project “Isles that speak of…Food”, in collaboration with the Environment Sector of the City of Palau and the Associazione Ottomani.


The project “Isles that Speak of…Food” wants to take children and adults in a game that discovers the world of food, focusing on the everyday conviviality of the meal. Eating is not only a necessary everyday action, but also a communicative ritual, an occasion of conversation and sharing. The project would like to create occasions of meeting and discussion on alimentation, on different culinary traditions, on the reduction of waste, on the importance of food that is seasonal and locally produced.


In this sense, it organizes three main actions:


1- “What I Eat: Healthy Food in my Kitchen” is a photographic competition addressed to children, boys and girls aged between 5 and 16. The specific theme of the photo will deal with: food. The competition, through the photographic language, wants to take the young participants and their families into a game that discovers the alimentary world.

Participation is free. Photos must be sent within and not beyond the 30th January 2013. The conferment of the prizes and the exhibition of the photos selected by the competition jury, will take place during the International Festival “Isole che parlano” in September 2013.


2- The screening of the animated short-film “Made of Bread” produced by the Associazione Sarditudine and the Associazione Ottomani in Bologna. The protagonist of the animated film is ‘bread’ that tells us its story. Bread is a ‘poor’ food, still rich in history and in the traditions of the peoples who produce it. Made of few basic ingredients (flour, water, yeast, and fire), it characterises and, at the same time, gathers different and far-away peoples. The short-film was realized by a group of 15 Palau children who participated into the ‘laboratories on measure’ during the International Festival “Isole che Parlano” last September.

You can watch it on


3- “Social Recipe Book: in the Kitchen with Leftovers” is a virtual kitchen where to chat and share images, tastes and ‘recycled’ recipes, for a reduction of waste in the kitchen. It will be ‘active and receptive’ from the 19th to the 25th of November 2012, during the Unesco Ess 2012, on the Facebook

To the recipes will be associated the graphic images or the photographs of the ‘meal’ that is meant to be shared.



What I eat: healthy food in my kitchen”
Photographic competition 


Rules to participate

The Associazione Sarditudine (The Organizer), in the occasion of the Unesco Week for the Education to sustainable development 2012, within the initiative entitled ‘Isles that speak of …Food’, calls for the second photographic competition, on the ‘measure’ of children, boys and girls, “What I eat: healthy food in my kitchen”.


Art.1 – Theme. The specific theme of the photos must be related to food. The competition, through the languages of art, intends to take the young participants and their families into a game that discovers the world of food. It focuses on the everyday conviviality – because eating is not only a necessary everyday act, but also a communicative ritual, an occasion of conversation and sharing.


Art.2 – Aim. The competition wants:

  • to offer the possibility of creating a confrontation of ideas and visions on food, as seen and experienced by children, boys and girls;

  • to stimulate a chance of analysis and discussion, among the participants and their families, on agriculture, respect for the territory, health, reduction of waste, sustainability of production and consumption, zero kilometre, people’s traditions and tastes.


Art.3 – Requirements (who can participate). The competition is open to single participants and groups of children, boys and girls between 5 and 16. The parents/adults are asked to support the participants technically, without influencing their choice of the subject, the frame or the construction of the image.


Art.4 – The characteristics of the photo. The competition asks for n. 1 photo for each single participant; n. 2 photos for groups. The digital photos must be given in jpg (maximum length of long side 1772 pixel)


Art.5 – Modes of participation. Participation is free. In order to participate to the competition it is necessary to send the photos in digital format, with the characteristics as indicated in art. 4, via email to the following address.

inserting the subject:

Iscrizione Concorso Fotografico “Cosa Mangio: cibi sani nella mia cucina”

and adding the inscription form as follows:


Title of the photo …………………………………………………….

Author (single or group)



Brief description of the photo

Referent parent




The deadline for the sending of the photo is fixed for the 30th January 2013.


Art.6 – Selection criteria. A specific commission of experts in the field will select the received works. The official selection will take place according to the insidacalble judgement of the jury, consisting of photographers, educators, biologists/naturists and chefs.


Art.7 – The sent works will remain a property of the authors.

The Associazione Sarditudine maintains the right of free reproduction and usage, with the obligation of quoting the name of the author, for eventual publications on paper and on line, and for the realization of photographic exhibitions with cultural and didactic purposes.


Art.8 – The proclamation of the winner will happen in April 2013; it will be communicated to the participants, and made public on the website There will be a general ‘order’ with the conferment of the first prize (photographic material) and n. 4 ‘orders’ for the participants aged between 5 and 7, 8 and 10, 11 and 13, 14 and 16.

The ‘prize’ evening and the exhibition of the chosen works will take place in September 2013 during the International Festival “Isole che parlano”. The photos, considered by the jury particularly praiseworthy, will be part of a photographic gallery published on the website


Art.9 – Privacy and acceptance of the rules. The participants give unconditional consent, according to the law 675/96 and following modifications and integrations, to the usage of their personal data for all the initiatives connected to the competition.

The choice of the jury and the selection commission are beyond appeal. The organizers of the competition will keep the right to take decisions related to important questions which are not mentioned in this form, and can decide to change dates or deadlines without being object of reclaim or refusal. The organization of the competition also maintains the right, in the case of problems of organization, to postpone the selection of one year, without being object of reclaim or refusal. The participation to the competition implies the integral acceptance of the present rules, automatically accepted by the participants via the simple sending of the work.


For further information, please, refer to the operative direction of the competition:


For the second year, the Associazione Sarditudine takes part to the Unesco Week Education Sustainable Development 2012, through the project “Isles that speak of…Food”, in collaboration with the Environment Sector of the City of Palau and the Associazione Ottomani.


The project “Isles that Speak of…Food” wants to take children and adults in a game that discovers the world of food, focusing on the everyday conviviality of the meal. Eating is not only a necessary everyday action, but also a communicative ritual, an occasion of conversation and sharing. The project would like to create occasions of meeting and discussion on alimentation, on different culinary traditions, on the reduction of waste, on the importance of food that is seasonal and locally produced.


In this sense, it organizes three main actions:


1- “What I Eat: Healthy Food in my Kitchen” is a photographic competition addressed to children, boys and girls aged between 5 and 16. The specific theme of the photo will deal with: food. The competition, through the photographic language, wants to take the young participants and their families into a game that discovers the alimentary world.

Participation is free. Photos must be sent within and not beyond the 30th January 2013. The conferment of the prizes and the exhibition of the photos selected by the competition jury, will take place during the International Festival “Isole che parlano” in September 2013.


2- The screening of the animated short-film “Made of Bread” produced by the Associazione Sarditudine and the Associazione Ottomani in Bologna. The protagonist of the animated film is ‘bread’ that tells us its story. Bread is a ‘poor’ food, still rich in history and in the traditions of the peoples who produce it. Made of few basic ingredients (flour, water, yeast, and fire), it characterises and, at the same time, gathers different and far-away peoples. The short-film was realized by a group of 15 Palau children who participated into the ‘laboratories on measure’ during the International Festival “Isole che Parlano” last September.

You can watch it on


3- “Social Recipe Book: in the Kitchen with Leftovers” is a virtual kitchen where to chat and share images, tastes and ‘recycled’ recipes, for a reduction of waste in the kitchen. It will be ‘active and receptive’ from the 19th to the 25th of November 2012, during the Unesco Ess 2012, on the Facebook

To the recipes will be associated the graphic images or the photographs of the ‘meal’ that is meant to be shared.

You can follow the initiatives “Isole che Parlano di…cibo” on the website

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